
  • Company news

    The company’s Facebook Page


    SKM Market Predictor has established a closed Facebook group for our clients and cooperation partners. The page will serve as a channel to publish information about company’s events and presentations.

    The group is available to all the customers of the company by request on this link or by requesting access via e-mail: .

  • Company news


    new jobs by SKM

    Meet us at Finnish Energy Days in Helsinki on June 13, 2013.

    SKM Market Predictor will be participating in the Finnish Energy Days conference organized by Montel on the 13th of June. The CEO of the company Viktor Balyberdin is giving a presentation during the conference focusing on our views for the development of the Russian power market.

  • Reports
    New product structure

    SKM Market Predictor is releasing a new analysis product “Long-Term Power Outlook 2013 Edition”. The report will be available from 3rd of June, 2013. All materials are delivered electronically.

    The report elaborates all the changes in the market and provides insights into the Nordic and Baltic long-term development.

  • Company news


    new jobs by SKM

    Meet us at Swedish Energy Days in Stockholm on May 30-31, 2013.

    SKM Market Predictor will be presented with a stand to demonstrate our latest product updates and developments, and to have market discussions. The CEO of the company Viktor Balyberdin is giving a presentation during the conference focusing on our views for the development of the Elcertificate market.

  • Additional SYSPOWER products
    New product structure

    SKM Market Predictor added extensive new functionality to SYSPOWER analysis service. We also made some changes to structure the service better. All significant new functionality will be now released as additional products.

    New modular pricing structure has been put into service.

  • Add on module to SYSPOWER
    Baltic module

    SKM Market Predictor has released a new product - Baltic module. It provides forecasts and statistics for the main price drivers in the Baltic region as well as weather service and spot price forecasts. Both short- and long-term analyses are supported.

    Baltic analysis requires subscription to the Nordic service.

  • Company news
    Elcertificates in the EMPS model

    SKM Market Predictor has joined the project financed by Norwegian Research Council to develop modeling of elcertificate market in the EMPS model. The work will be fulfilled by SINTEF and NVE, with Statnett and Statkraft also participating in the project. SKM will be responsible for the industry testing of the new functionality.
